Marketplace of ideas
The marketplace of ideas includes a collection of contributions from senior experts inside and outside the UN system. These contributions are intended to promote and stimulate new thinking, with the aim to help inform ongoing discussions and debate around financing the UN system and the role of the UN in financing the SDGs.

Climate Financing

Published September 2023
To reach the Sustainable Development Goals and global climate goals we have to scale up the impact of investments
By Erik Engberg and Johannes F. Linn

Published September 2023
Increasing Sustainable Development Goals and climate investment in low and middle-income countries: How to mobilise private investment at scale after seven years of underperformance
By Christopher Clubb

Published September 2023
Blended finance for nature: The call for diversified conservation capital
By Briony Coulson and Pierre Bardoux

Published September 2023
Carbon pricing: An integral part of a just transition
By Vera Songwe

Published September 2023
Localisation and Scaling: Two movements and a nexus
By Johannes F. Linn and Larry Cooley

Published September 2023
Moving from climate crises to peacebuilding solutions
By United Nations Department for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs – Peacebuilding Support Office and Diane Sheinberg


COVID-19 Response

Published September 2022
Fiscal response to the COVID-19 crisis
By Vera Songwe

Published 2021
COVID-19 and the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT)-Accelerator
By Bruce Aylward

Published 2021
A better financed World Health Organization
By Leen Meulenbergs and Brian Elliott

Published September 2021
The promises and pitfalls of COVID-19 vaccine equity
By Kanni Wignaraja and Swarnim Waglé

Published September 2020
From crisis to recovery: Building back better from COVID-19 through integrated national financing frameworks and SDG financing strategies
By Emily Davis, Orria Goni and Thomas Beloe

Published September 2020
A European perspective on the global recovery and the way forward
By Félix Fernández-Shaw


Global Public Goods

Published September 2023
World Bank reform and implications for development cooperation

Published September 2023
Harnessing global public goods is the defining challenge of our Anthropocene future
By Pedro Conceição

Published 2021
Whither global public goods? No one is safe until everyone is safe
By John Hendra and Silke Weinlich

Published September 2017
Multilateral development banking for 21st century challenges: Addressing global public goods
By Scott Morris and Priscilla Atansah

Published September 2017
Why the United Nations should embrace the concept of global public goods
By Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation


Health Financing

Published September 2022
Fiscal response to the COVID-19 crisis
By Vera Songwe

Published 2021
COVID-19 and the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT)-Accelerator
By Bruce Aylward

Published September 2021
From funding to financing: Leveraging the private sector for peacebuilding in Colombia
By Aanchal Bhatia

Published 2021
A better financed World Health Organization
By Leen Meulenbergs and Brian Elliott

Published September 2021
The promises and pitfalls of COVID-19 vaccine equity
By Kanni Wignaraja and Swarnim Waglé

Published September 2020
From crisis to recovery: Building back better from COVID-19 through integrated national financing frameworks and SDG financing strategies
By Emily Davis, Orria Goni and Thomas Beloe


Humanitarian Financing

Published September 2023
Revitalising a global consensus: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 75
By Nada Al-Nashif

Published September 2023
Financing gender equality: The role of the Gender Equality Marker and financial targets
By Aparna Mehrotra

Published September 2023
Humanitarian financing to alleviate suffering and manage crisis risk collectively
By Joyce Msuya

Published September 2022
Introduction to humanitarian pooled funding – saving lives and ensuring prioritised quality funding
By Martin Griffiths

Published June 2016
Humanitarian Pooled Financing
By Gwi-Yeop Son


Innovative Financing

Published September 2023
To reach the Sustainable Development Goals and global climate goals we have to scale up the impact of investments
By Erik Engberg and Johannes F. Linn

Published September 2023
The fine art of building trust: Integrated National Financing Frameworks, institutions and financing for development
By Erik Korsgren and Alan AtKisson

Published September 2023
Increasing Sustainable Development Goals and climate investment in low and middle-income countries: How to mobilise private investment at scale after seven years of underperformance
By Christopher Clubb

Published September 2023
Blended finance for nature: The call for diversified conservation capital
By Briony Coulson and Pierre Bardoux

Published September 2023
Localisation and Scaling: Two movements and a nexus
By Johannes F. Linn and Larry Cooley

Published September 2020
Reinforcing forces? New technologies and investment in sustainable development
By Navid Hanif and Philipp Erfurth


Multilateral Financing

Published September 2023
The fine art of building trust: Integrated National Financing Frameworks, institutions and financing for development
By Erik Korsgren and Alan AtKisson

Published September 2023
Trustworthiness, trust, together: Building the case for financing of the UN system
By Rachel Scott

Published September 2023
Blended finance for nature: The call for diversified conservation capital
By Briony Coulson and Pierre Bardoux

Published September 2023
Financing the United Nations for people and planet
By Donald Kaberuka

Published September 2023
The Funding Compact going forward: More quality financing for critical outcomes
By John Hendra

Published September 2023
World Bank reform and implications for development cooperation


Normative Financing

Published September 2023
Financing the Sustainable Development Goals: The big stuck
By Homi Kharas and Charlotte Rivard

Published September 2023
Trustworthiness, trust, together: Building the case for financing of the UN system
By Rachel Scott

Published September 2023
To reach the Sustainable Development Goals and global climate goals we have to scale up the impact of investments
By Erik Engberg and Johannes F. Linn

Published September 2023
Financing the United Nations for people and planet
By Donald Kaberuka

Published September 2023
The Funding Compact going forward: More quality financing for critical outcomes
By John Hendra

Published September 2023
World Bank reform and implications for development cooperation


Peacebuilding Financing

Published September 2023
Moving from climate crises to peacebuilding solutions
By United Nations Department for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs – Peacebuilding Support Office and Diane Sheinberg

Published September 2023
Advancing financing of the Youth, Peace and Security Agenda in the United Nations system: Beyond commitments
By Office of the Secretary General’s Envoy on Youth and United Network of Young Peacebuilders

Published September 2022
Baby steps: Advancing the discourse on Financing for Peacebuilding
By Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation

Published September 2022
Scaling-up Support to Address Fragility, Conflict and Violence
By Soukeyna Kane

Published September 2022
Costs of delayed development and re-securing the UN’s Development Role in unsettled times
By Kanni Wignaraja

Published 2021
Maintaining UN capacities for conflict prevention in a changing peace and security landscape
By Jake Sherman


Pooled Financing

Published September 2023
A high impact UN financing model for eliminating violence against women and girls and accelerating progress on the SDGs
By Heran Ayele and Alessandra Roccasalvo

Published September 2022
Introduction to humanitarian pooled funding – saving lives and ensuring prioritised quality funding
By Martin Griffiths

Published September 2020
A coming-of-age story: UN pooled funds
By UN Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office

Published September 2019
UN pooled funding: ‘Healthy’ financing for better multilateral results
By UN Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office

Published 2017
UN pooled funds: A game-changer in financing Agenda 2030
By UN Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office

Published June 2016
Humanitarian Pooled Financing
By Gwi-Yeop Son


Prevention Financing

Published September 2023
A high impact UN financing model for eliminating violence against women and girls and accelerating progress on the SDGs
By Heran Ayele and Alessandra Roccasalvo

Published September 2023
Moving from climate crises to peacebuilding solutions
By United Nations Department for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs – Peacebuilding Support Office and Diane Sheinberg

Published September 2022
Scaling-up Support to Address Fragility, Conflict and Violence
By Soukeyna Kane

Published September 2022
Costs of delayed development and re-securing the UN’s Development Role in unsettled times
By Kanni Wignaraja

Published September 2022
Funding prevention: Four lessons from the world of personal training bilateral engagement and ‘bilateralising’ the multilateral approach
By Richard Bailey

Published 2021
Fit-for-purpose financing in the Anthropocene: Quantifying risks and valuing the biosphere
By Pedro Conceição


Private Sector Financing

Published September 2023
Increasing Sustainable Development Goals and climate investment in low and middle-income countries: How to mobilise private investment at scale after seven years of underperformance
By Christopher Clubb

Published September 2022
Private finance and sustainable development: Welcoming tailwinds, addressing headwinds
By Gavin Power

Published 2021
Maximizing UN leverage where it matters the most: At the country level
By John Hendra and Per Knutsson

Published September 2021
From funding to financing: Leveraging the private sector for peacebuilding in Colombia
By Aanchal Bhatia

Published 2021
‘Walking the talk’: Accelerating the United Nation’s role in leveraging the private sector for the Sustainable Development Goals
By John Hendra and Arif Neky

Published 2021
Innovative ways for peace financing: The case for ‘blue investments’
By Christoph Heusgen


SDG Financing

Published September 2023
To reach the Sustainable Development Goals and global climate goals we have to scale up the impact of investments
By Erik Engberg and Johannes F. Linn

Published September 2023
The fine art of building trust: Integrated National Financing Frameworks, institutions and financing for development
By Erik Korsgren and Alan AtKisson

Published September 2023
Financing the Sustainable Development Goals: The big stuck
By Homi Kharas and Charlotte Rivard

Published September 2023
Trustworthiness, trust, together: Building the case for financing of the UN system
By Rachel Scott

Published September 2023
Increasing Sustainable Development Goals and climate investment in low and middle-income countries: How to mobilise private investment at scale after seven years of underperformance
By Christopher Clubb

Published September 2023
Blended finance for nature: The call for diversified conservation capital
By Briony Coulson and Pierre Bardoux