Published September 2021
From funding to financing: Leveraging the private sector for peacebuilding in Colombia
By Aanchal Bhatia

Strengthening and building partnerships in public–private alliances is becoming increasingly important. Despite this, unlocking private capital through public resources in a blended finance mechanism for development and peacebuilding is seldom acted on, as international investors are kept at bay by the perceived ‘high risk’ of fragile contexts.

Secretary-General António Guterres has embarked on an ambitious reform agenda, calling for a shift from response to prevention through cross-pillar strategies, increased donor support to the Peacebuilding Fund (PBF), and strengthened UN system support for countries facing complex conflict risks. Spotlighting Colombia as a case study, this article shows how, in 2018, led by the Resident Coordinators Office, a pilot finance facility was successfully designed using the UN Multi-Partner Trust Fund as implementing vehicle and the PBF as funding partner.