Figure 32
Expenditure on UN OAD in UN programming countries by income status, 2021 (US$ billion)
2023 figure 32 expenditure-un-oad-un-programming-countries-income-status-2021-us-billion
Key insights in a flash
Humanitarian and development funding to low-income countries is more earmarked
71% of funding to UN OAD was allocated to conflict-affected countries

a) The non-crisis-affected and crisis-affected UN programming countries are integrated by a variety of income levels. b) Venezuela has been temporarily unclassified as of July 2021 pending release of revised national accounts statistics.

Thus, expenditure on OAD in Venezuela is only depicted within the crisis-affected countries

Source: Report of the Secretary-General (A/78/72–E/2023/59), World Bank, DPO, DPPA, OCHA and MPTFO.

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