Navid Hanif is the Director of the Financing for Sustainable Development Office of the UNDESA. He has held several senior positions at the United Nations. Most recently he was Co-chair of the team on repositioning of the UN development system and Vice Chair of the High-level Committee on Programmes. He has also served as Principal Officer in the office of the Secretary-General and led the creation of the UNDESA Strategic Planning Unit. Philipp Erfurth is an Associate Economic Affairs
Officer in the Financing for Sustainable Development Office, UNDESA.
The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect positions of FSDO/UNDESA.
Searching for ‘SDG investment gap’ on a popular online search engine yields over a thousand results, a search of ‘SDG investment opportunity’ only seven. Omitting ‘SDG’ from this search, yields a reverse result: Investment opportunity produces a multiple of the results of investment gap. If we take this as an indication of perceptions on investing in sustainable development, what conclusions can we draw from these results?