Published 2018
International financing flows to developing countries
By Development Initiatives

Graphs provided by Development Initiatives give an overview of international financial flows to developing countries. A global snapshot is provided in Figure 1 below, with disaggregated graphs provided in the subsequent graphs (Figures 2-5), presenting the trends for Least Developed Countries (LDCs) vs. non-LDCs, and fragile vs. non-fragile countries respectively.While commercial long-term debt and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) are dominant overall for the totality of ‘developing countries’, Official Development Assistance (ODA) remains a major source for the LDCs as well as fragile states as groups. Furthermore, the overall international financing flows are unevenly divided: LDCs – which housed about 15% of the developing countries’ population in 2016 and 7.6% of those living in poverty – received less than 10% of the total flows to all developing countries. Further, fragile developing countries accounted for less than 15% of the total inflows.