Stephan Massing is Senior Strategy and Operations Officer at the World Bank. These are the personal views of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the World Bank.
The world today faces increasing risks of fragility, conflict and violence that pose a serious challenge to economic development and stability, affecting developed and developing countries alike. Poverty is increasingly concentrated in fragile and conflict-affected countries with more than half of the global poor expected to live in just 35 countries by 2030.¹ Globally, trends such as climate change, demographic shifts, new technologies and transnational ideological movements are significantly shaping the fragility landscape at local, national and regional levels. Ongoing conflicts are at the origin of protracted crises situations and are intensifying the food insecurity of millions of people. They are also causing widespread displacement and other cross-border spill-overs. Today, a reported 65 million people are forcibly displaced, of which 21 million with refugee status. These risks and challenges have underscored the need for the global community to take collective action, help manage volatility and invest in building peaceful and resilient societies and states.