Financing the UN Development System
Annual Report 2024

Resourcing the Future

Financing the UN Development System: Resourcing the Future is the 10th edition in its series. As in the previous iterations, the report provides an in-depth overview of the financing system and mechanisms of the United Nations development system (UNDS) and maintains the focus on financial data. Part two, the Market place of ideas offers contributions with in-depth overviews and analysis. This dedicated web page continues to be a platform to share the latest and previous reports as well as the interactive datasets. 

Part One is about the United Nations resource flows with an in-depth analysis of how the UN is funded, by whom, and through which modalities, based on the most up-to-date official data sources. The data and analysis encompass evidence and insights into the volume and characteristics of the full funding flows range of the UN development system. Namely assessed contributions; voluntary core contributions; earmarked funding; and revenue from other activities.

Part Two, the marketplace of ideas, frames the bigger picture, emphasising the need for better funding quality to achieve quality results. Financing global public goods, such as climate change mitigation, is essential for addressing interconnected global challenges and promoting equity, complementing rather than competing with official development assistance.

Our latest report


September 2024

Resourcing the Future (2024)

Financing the UN Development System: Resourcing the Future, is the 10th edition of this report providing an in-depth overview of the United Nations Development System. The marketplace of ideas brings expert insights on improving quality funding for development, call for an urgent need to protect global public goods and share examples of how Member States are engaging in the peace, development and climate nexus.

The Joint Initiative

The annual report on Financing the UN Development System is the result of a longstanding partnership between the Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation and the United Nations Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office.

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Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation

The Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation is a non-governmental organisation established in memory of the second Secretary-General of the United Nations. The Foundation aims to advance dialogue and policy for sustainable development, multilateralism and peace.

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Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office

The Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office is the UN centre of expertise on pooled financing mechanisms. Hosted by UNDP, it provides fund design and fund administration services to the UN system, national governments and non-governmental partners.

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